...cuz I still think DIRGE, was one of the BEST things that happened to World of Warcraft :)).

WoWWiki said:
"Recently, this item has been spammed excessively on trade channels over a large number of realms. Apparently, it started with someone at an unknown RP-realm who intended to sell this weapon with a more commercialistic approach: "Making [Dirge] with or without your materials. get yours today! It's [Dirge]tastic!". Shortly after people started to use this concept by making words of their own, preferably swear-words, though this lasted only a short time, and has now progressed into people simply spamming the item link where it can be used to "enhance" certain famous quotes, slogans or other common sentences to their own amusement." There is even some older rumor, where a GM helped some people with an issue and at their request he materialized for a short time, on inspection the GM had Dirge equipped :D.

This page will be dedicated to Dirge jokes and anything related to it. We encourage adding your own text & comment based Dirge-ings or any sort of image like the naked troll above (reference, link, etc), and we'll add them to the blog with  your desired tag on them.

Clicking on the link above takes you to our Gamer Specific Search Engine, tuned to only find and look for "lulcraft" relevant material, Blizzard, gaming, rpgs and so on. It simply "translocates" you to the bottom of the main page, where the Search engine is found.

Cheers, uZu!

1 comment:

  1. - "Knock, knock"
    - "Who's there?"
    - "Dirge"
