4.2 Rare Pets

For when the awesomeness lies within /pet.

As all of you may know, 4.2 introduced 10 rare pets, and all of them require a special method to tame.

Teh Molten Front:

The pets are: Magria, Ahnka, Ban’thalos, Kirix, Solix, Skitterflame, Anthriss, Deth’tilac, Skarr and Karkin. Let’s put them into groups.

* Magria, Ahnka and Ban’thalos are Spirit beasts and require BM spec. They are found in Hyjal.
* Kirix, Solix, Skitterflame and Deth’tilac are spiders. They are found in the Molten Front.
* Solix and Skitterflame have got non elite easytame versions with the same skin. They are found in the Molten Front.
* Skarr is a cat, shared spawn with Karkin. They are found in the Molten Front.
* Karkin is a crab, shared spawn with Skarr. They are found in the Molten Front.

Facts: Skarr, Karkin and Deth’tilac are the most sought after pets. Skarr looks cool and is rare as hell, Karkin aswell, and Deth’tilac is the rarest and hardest to tame. Also he’s got an unique spider skin.

    Skarr and Karkin: 
    I've been tryin' to see Skarr for a few days now but seems to have missed him. Karkin tho, was tamed by a friend at about 22:30 and saw him again in the mornin at about 7:45. He drops this: http://www.wowhead.com/item=68055. ...Yes, I killed him even tho it was my 1st hunter rare pet kill, i liked it >:) xaxaxaxaxaxa :p.
    Edit: I've got them both. Same as Karkin. Logged out on the spot, furthest spawn point (floating rock group), logged in the morning and BAM. He was waveing at me. Silence-ing shot, Detter/tame with Ass-pect of the Wild on and got him! wohoo... now for the rest O_o

    He is the hardest and the rarest. Thankfully he has got a single spawn point (See map above).Spawntimer is 6-17 hours. I got mine after 11 hours and 3 previous spawns which I lost the roll on/missed/passed to a friend. He’s got 70 Million HP, and he is immune to Tame Beast above 20% hp. He also needs to be attacked CONSTANTLY (serpent sting is a good choice), and he moves slow when he is attacked. You need to kite this dude. He oneshots everything in meleerange, and when he does that, he loses 10% of his HP. So here’s what you need to do: You need to chain-rez your pet. To start, stand at max range, put down an ice trap, and send in your pet. Keep concussive and serpent sting up. (Snaketrap does not work afaik) When your pet dies, run at max range, have an icetrap, ress your pet, and repeat. When you are out of space, you need to turn around by a clever disengage. Boss moves very slow, so it is doable. As soon as he reaches 20% hp, ress your pet and dismiss it if you did not do so before, then hit Tame beast. He does not try to interrupt it or something. If you master the kite method then it’s not too hard. You can do it with help. I helped to my hunter friend by standing on the other side of the of Deth, and we rotated Feign Death, so the boss went back and forth between us. Also he lost HP quicker because of the 2 pets. Another great helper class is the Druid, because he can root the spider, so you don’t need to kite at all. In fact, you only need to chainress pet and tame.

    He patrols south from Fireplume peak. He runs fast as hell, so be on your toes. Also he oneshots you basically after gettin your butt stuned, and he has a silencing and healing reducement aura. When tryin to get this tamed I came across a lot of tactics on how to do it. I even found a video that showed the Cinderweb Broodling is not a critter but is the exact model even tho its small like a critter and TAMABLE. What I did was simple. Made a macro with Detter/Tame, placed myself on the ridge so I could Disengage and done this: activate RAPID SHOT, TAME on kirix to aggro --> (spider charges and throws you back into the air) in this exact moment you will --> DISSENGAGE -- once you hit the ground --> use macro DETTER/TAME. Worked like a charm :X.

    This one is kinda easy. He sits in the lava pool at Fireplume Peak (see map above). He is immune to tame until his energy is below 20, and he DIES if he reaches 0 energy. He regains 100 energy if he moves through lava. He hits kinda hard aswell but its survivable. The lower his energy the lower he hits. You can use Scare Beast, Scatter, Concussive, everything. Be sure to clear the area from mobs before taming. Kite him into Freezing traps, those make him lose energy. When he is below 20, you might need to break your trap to protect him from death. Just stand in range or CC him (fear or slow trap, scatter or just pop deterrence) and hit Tame.

     He resides in the Ingenous Caverns in the lava pools. He is pretty large though so you can’t miss him  He’s got haste and speed buffs on him. The thing you need to do is to place ice traps and kite him through it as many times as needed. When he loses his buffs, just hit tame. He has got a very small hitbox, so be prepared for that, because he evades traps easily. All you need to care about is that he MUST NOT REACH YOU. So keep up concussive at all times, and use pack aspect when needed. When he is tameable (loses his buff), stand at max range and tame. Every spider except Deth has a 6-12 hour spawn timer, they do not share it.

    He spawns at 54,39 ish at the Magma Springs (see map). He webs you which does damage and limits movement speed. You need to dive in the lava (until a breath meter shows up) to dispel the web. No other magic stuff here, just get in the lava and hit tame. (Deterrence is welcome here though, as it is everytime) Just make sure that you are deep enough in the lava.

    He spawns in the Hyjal daily quest area.  Spawntimer is 6-17 hours. He flies high in the air, so the pulling part is the hard part here. You can use Levitate, Slowfall, Parachute and Disengage above ground to survive the fall. Fly up to him, shoot him, survive, put down a freezing trap and tame. He is a spirit beast, so you need to be BM specced.
    Edit: After missing him once due to acting totally retarded and trying to go MM to silence shot it's Moonblast attack (witch btw does not work and you can't rlly tame him on MM specc, as previously stated :"> ... even had a pally friend heal me and we kept wondering why it cannot be tamed even tho he himself tamed the bird on HIS hunter :))) ), I succeded the next day. Left me with 4700 HP and I used a macro that did Parachute, Deterrence (also useless), Rapid fire and Engineering Grounded Plasma Shield. :-s Thus it seems the damn shield helped me to make a successful attempt (witch sucks imo:p). Summing it all up tho: Ban'thalos? [checked]!

    He spawns in the Hyjal daily area aswell, he has got 2 spawn points, and a timer of 6-17 hours. The trick here is that you need ZERO armor to tame him, otherwise you’ll get oneshotted. So get naked, trap and tame. He is nonagressive, and shares a spawn with Anhka. Same skin as Gondria, different glow.
    To be honest, Wowhead does not have him in the database, but afaik (99%), he shares spawns with Magria. The tactics to tame him are the same aswell, so prepare to get naked. Also nonagressive spiritbeast here, same skin as Gondria, just with a different glow.

    EDIT: After ages of waiting and my friend Bloodtie stalking this from his night shifts, I finished my daily Firelands quests, close to heartstoning at about 23:30 to log for the day, listening to my main's guild (Acme) 10 man raid going down loling and suddenly i see an obsidium ore vein pop up... pretty close to where I was afk-ing... went closer and suddenly my brain started throwing alerts at me... there was no vein, the vein had turned into ... Anhka :))). I had Loque out (I had killed Gondria like that in the past by hittin' tame while a pet was out :">), I calmly dismissed him, i went naked from "EQ manager", pressed Rapid Fire, Detter and TAME! :X

    Anhka is by far the nicest looking one :p.

    ~ Rare pets tame video guide ~

    spiders locations

    Happy hunting and best of luck to you all ! :D

    Tribute to Broken Tooth :p (Before Hunter pets were normalized, all pets had different stats and attack speed. There was a rare cat mob in Badlands called Broken Tooth which could be tamed by Hunters. He was considered the ultimate Hunter pet, because he had a 1.0 attack speed (before buffs), which made him a true nightmare for casters).